ULN1100 - Global Positioning System Disciplined Oscillator

Main features

  • Ultra Low Noise 100 MHz GPSDO
  • Sine, CMOS, LVDS Outputs
  • -162dBc/Hz Phase Noise Floor
  • Optimized for Up-Conversion to Ka/Ku/K Bands
  • NMEA-0183 SCPI-99 Plug and Play
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ULN-1100 is an extremely small Global Positioning System Disciplined Oscillator (GPSDO) that has various 100MHz outputs, as well as several 10MHz outputs, Distribution Amplifiers, and a high-performance 50-channel GPS receiver with -160dBm tracking capability. All outputs are frequency and phase-synchronized to UTC via the GPS system, and thus provide Better-Than-Cesium™ long-term performance. By providing both a 100MHz as well as 10MHz reference in one compact board, the unit is a good fit for Ultra-Low-Phase-Noise up-conversion systems as used in Radar and Satellite communication equipment.

ULN-1100 is backwards fit, and function compatible to the FireFly-IIA GPSDO, and offers higher performance, and additional functionality in the same footprint. The ULN-1100 as a bonus provides special support for airborne applications by providing avionics systems with a 3D-Velocity Vector, Attitude/Tilt information, Speed, Heading, Height (both MSL and GPS Height), Position, Time, Date, Frequency, Time-Stamping, and Health information.

At only 1.5 × 4.0 Inches small, ULN-1100 provides Stratum-1 long-term performance of better than 5 parts per Trillion (5E-012) averaged over 24 hours with various options for temperature range, thermal stability, as well as g-sensitivity, and shock/vibration insensitivity. ULN-1100 has a built-in 100MHz, 2-port distribution amplifier with +13dBm Sine Wave outputs, as well as 10MHz Sine Wave and LVDS outputs. ULN-1100 also available with a Ruggedized, extended temp-range, low-g Oscillator option for demanding applications. For mission-critical applications ULN-1100 provides a direct redundancy feature allowing multiple units to be daisy-chained to each other for increased reliability.

ULN1100 Global Positioning System Disciplined Oscillator
