TIA-952 - 800MHz optical receiver

Main features

  • Large Area InGaAs detector
  • 800 MHz Analog Bandwidth
  • Selectable Gain Settings
  • Universal Power Supply
  • Capability to drive 50 Ohm output load
  • For use for Single or Multi Mode Fibers
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The TIA-952 optical receiver is a convenient, easy to use O/E converter. It is extremely useful in a variety of laboratory, factory, and field service situations where a quick check of the operation of a laser source, optical transmitter, or the throughput of a fiber optic communications link is required. The unit conveniently mounts directly on the vertical input BNC connector of your oscilloscope, digitizer, or other readout device.

The large area Indium-Gallium-Arsenide detector provided is optimized for use with both single mode and multi mode fibers and covers the 900 to 1700 nm spectral region. Gains are switch selectable and provide peak responsivity values of approximately 500 and 2500 volts per watt. The electrical bandwidth of the TIA-952 exceeds 800 MHz using the low gain setting and exceeds 300 MHz in the high gain mode.

The units output stage is fully capable of driving a 50 ohm coaxial cable terminated in its characteristic impedance. Fiber connector options include either ST or FC receptacles. Powered by a universal wall mount power supply (90 – 260 VAC, 50-60 Hz with four mains adaptors), the TIA-952 is handy to use and store.

The ease of use and convenience of this instrument are matched only by the high performance-to-price ratio that is typical of products from Terahertz Technologies. It is also backed by our standard two year warranty and guarantee of satisfaction.

TIA-952 800MHz optical receiver
