TIA-525 - 125MHz optical receiver

Main features

  • 125 MHz bandwidth
  • < 3 pA/Hz1/2 RMS Noise
  • 1 KV/W to 100 KV/W selectable gain settings
  • Powered by an internal 9V battery or universal power supply
  • Capable of driving a 50 ohm load
  • InGaAs or Si Detectors for use at all fiber optic wavelengths
  • AC or DC coupling
  • ST or FC Connectors
  • Mounts of scope BNC input
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The TIA-525 optical receiver is a convenient, easy to use O/E converter. It is extremely useful in a variety of laboratory and field service situations where a quick check of the operation of a laser source, optical transmitter, or the output of a fiber optic communications link is required. The unit conveniently mounts directly on the vertical input BNC connector of your oscilloscope, digitizer, or other readout device.

Both Silicon and Indium-Gallium-Arsenide detectors are available to cover respectively the 400 to 1000 nm or the 900 to 1700 nm spectral regions. Gains are selectable and provide peak responsivity values of approximately 1000 to 100,000 volts per watt. AC coupling between stages may be introduced in order to examine weak high frequency optical signals in the presence of a strong DC optical component. The TIA-525 electrical bandwidth exceeds 125 MHz in the low and medium gain configurations and exceeds 35 MHz in the highest gain configuration.

The unit’s output stage is fully capable of driving a 50 ohm coaxial cable terminated in its characteristic impedance. Fiber connector options include either ST or FC receptacles. An unconnectorized detector is optionally available so that the unit may be used with free space beams. Powered by an internal 9V Lithium battery, or its universal power supply, the TIA-525 is handy to use and store.

The ease of use and convienience of this instrument are matched only by the high performance-to-price ratio that is typical of products from Terahertz Technologies. It is also backed by our standard two year warranty and guarantee of satisfaction.

TIA-525I - DC to 125 MHz O/E Converter InGaAs

Option InGaAs

TIA-525S - DC to 125 MHz O/E Converter Silicium

Option Silicium

TIA-525 125MHz optical receiver
TIA-525I DC to 125 MHz O/E Converter InGaAs
TIA-525S DC to 125 MHz O/E Converter Silicium
