Spectro-X - Signal Analysis Toolkit

Main features

  • Simultaneously view and analyze up to 4 spectrum files (channels), with each channel displayed in frequency, time, and magnitude plots chosen by the user.
  • Play back all or a portion of a file.
  • Files can be played forward or backward, paused, or stepped in any direction with adjustable playback speed.
  • Visualize the amplitude summary of entire capture files.
  • Zoom into specific portions of a file to quickly identify time segments of interest for analysis.
  • No limitation on file duration.
  • Single or multiple display environment.
  • User-adjustable channel playback time offsets with sub-sample precision.
  • Unlimited number of user-placed and adjustable measurement markers (crosshair or plot-spanning) per plot.
  • User can link markers in common domains across plots within channels.
  • User-defined marker math to measure time and frequency differences within or between channels.
  • Static time domain or spectrogram plot can be viewed at any marker location.
  • Files can contain IRIG-B or GPS time and position stamps.
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Spectro-X Signal Analysis Toolkit is versatile software that lets users visualize and analyze up to four recorded RF and microwave spectrum files at the same time. It is a valuable tool for system and test engineers developing and analyzing the performance of radar, ELINT, SIGINT, ECM, ESM, multi-channel communications, telemetry, and MIMO systems, or characterizing and testing conventional and AESA radar systems.

The comprehensive set of tools within Spectro-X requires no programming and minimizes the time required to rapidly discover RF anomalies or to quantify spectrum behavior over time.

Recordings can be from microseconds to days in length and captured over the air using a signal analyzer and X-COM’s IQC5000B Series Spectrum Capture and Playback System or custom spectrum files created in The Mathworks’ MATLAB or other software.

Spectro-X Signal Analysis Toolkit
