SG12000 - 12 GHz signal generator

Main features

  • Frequency Range: 25MHz – 12GHz
  • Default calibrated power level: +10dBm
  • Power Level Control: 31dB in 0.5dB steps + 15dB variable fine tune (~0.1dB resolution)
  • Dimensions: 2.75″ x 1.25″ x 3.15″
  • Frequency step size: 40-6000Hz (depending on output frequency)
  • Power Input: 5V Standard USB-C (0.75A)
  • Output Impedance: 50 Ohm
  • RF Connectors: Gold 18GHz SMA
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The SG12000 compact RF Signal Generator enables users to generate a high quality RF signal easily and at low cost. The output covers the entire 25 – 12000MHz frequency block. The produced wave is fully synthesized using modern fractional N synthesis. RF output step size varies from a maximum of ~6 KHz to less than 40 Hz, depending on band of operation. The synthesized source can accept an external 10 MHz reference, OR it can use its own internal 10 MHz TCXO.

Output power is calibrated to +10dBm and can be set in 0.5dB steps over the entire frequency range. The crisp OLED display provides useful feedback for the user, and front control buttons provide a quick alternative to USB control. Optional Ethernet is now available, and full band RF power control is standard. Like most of our products, the SG12000 easily fits in the palm of your hand, making it a truly portable and bench-space-saving device.

SG12000 12 GHz signal generator

  • SG12000 - Intro