SCM9B-17 - Digital Inputs/Outputs Sensor-to-Computer Modules

Main features

  • Computer Monitoring and Control of Standard Digital I/O Modules via RS-232 or RS-485
  • Digital Inputs and Outputs Interface with Solid State Relays to Sense AC and DC Voltages
  • Controls Digital Inputs and Outputs Individually
  • User Can Define Any Bit as Input or Output
  • 24- and 64-Channel Versions
  • Expands up to 7936 Digital I/O Channels (124 Multi-dropped 64-Channel Boards)
  • Read or Set 7936 Inputs or Outputs in Less Than 1s
  • Mounts in 19″ Racks
  • Compatible with All SCM9B Products
  • Same Command Set as 1700 Series Modules
  • CE Compliant
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The SCM9B-H1750/H1770 digital I/O interface is designed to expand the remote I/O capability of the SCM9B-1700 series of modules. Commands are communicated over RS-232 or RS-485 links from any standard serial I/O port of computers or modems. The command set for the H1700 series boards is identical to the 1700 series modules.

The H1750 is designed to interface directly to either a 16- or 24-channel industry-standard solid-state relay rack (Dataforth part numbers SCMD-PB16 or SCMD-PB24). The H1770 will connect to a maximum of four 16-channel racks (SCMD-PB16). As with the SCM9B modules, up to 124 boards can be multi dropped using RS-485 communications and SCM9B-A1000 repeaters.

The I/O channels may be configured to be inputs or outputs in any combination designated by the user. The input/output configuration may be changed at any time through the communications port. The I/O assignments are saved in nonvolatile memory and are automatically loaded when the unit is powered up. All boards are supplied with screw terminal plugs or ribbon connectors and captive mounting hardware.

SCM9B-1701 - 7 inputs / 8 outputs, RS-232C Output


SCM9B-1702 - 7 inputs / 8 outputs, RS-485 Output


SCM9B-1711 - 15 inputs or outputs, RS-232C Output


SCM9B-1712 - 15 inputs or outputs, RS-485 Output


SCM9B-H1750 - 24 inputs or outputs, user selected RS-232C or RS-485 Output


SCM9B-H1777 - 64 inputs or outputs, user selected RS-232C or RS-485 Output


SCM9B-17 Digital Inputs/Outputs Sensor-to-Computer Modules
SCM9B-1701 7 inputs / 8 outputs, RS-232C Output
SCM9B-1702 7 inputs / 8 outputs, RS-485 Output
SCM9B-1711 15 inputs or outputs, RS-232C Output
SCM9B-1712 15 inputs or outputs, RS-485 Output
SCM9B-H1750 24 inputs or outputs, user selected RS-232C or RS-485 Output
SCM9B-H1777 64 inputs or outputs, user selected RS-232C or RS-485 Output
