Each SCM5B45 frequency input module provides a single channel of frequency input which is isolated and converted to a high-level analog voltage output. This voltage output on the SCM5B45 frequency input module is logic switch controlled, which allows these modules to share a common analog bus without the requirement of external multiplexers.
The frequency input signal can be a TTL level signal or a zero-crossing signal. Terminal 3 on the field-side terminal block is the “common” or ground connection for input signals. A TTL signal is connected from terminal 2 to terminal 3, while a zero-crossing signal is connected from terminal 4 to terminal 3. Input circuitry for each of the signal types has hysteresis built in. An input signal must cross entirely through the hysteresis region in order to trigger the threshold comparator.
A 5.1V excitation is available for use with magnetic pick-up or contact-closure type sensors. The excitation is available on pin 1 and the excitation common is pin 3 on the SCM5B45 frequency input module.
The SCM5B45 frequency input module is designed with a completely isolated computer side circuit which can be floated to ±50V from Power Common, pin 16. This complete isolation means that no connection is required between I/O Common and Power Common for proper operation of the output switch. If desired, the output switch can be turned on continuously by simply connecting pin 22, the Read-Enable pin, to I/O Common, pin 19.
A special circuit in the input stage of the SCM5B45 frequency input module provides protection against accidental connection of power-line voltages up to 240V AC.
A wide range of backpanels, DIN rail mounting options, cables, racks, power supplies and other accessory items are available for the SCM5B45 frequency input module.