RSWM-4X8ER - Extremely Wideband 4X8 Switching Matrix 20 à 8000 MHz

Main features

  • High dynamic
  • High isolation
  • Non-reflective
  • Compact 19” 1U design
  • Graphical user interface
  • Variants for AC or DC power supply
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Modern radio monitoring systems need an unrestricted access to many antennas from a variety of receivers. By using the non-blocking architecture of RSWM, specialized and general-purpose receivers can be used alongside each other and chose any of the available antennas without interference between the receivers. The high linearity and low noise figure of the device ensure the best signal integrity on the way from antenna to receiver.

Low cross-talk allows to list to small signals one one antenna in the presence of strong signals on a different antenna. The very large bandwidth covers all commercial cellular and ISM communication bands up to and including WiFi7.

RSWM-4X8ER Extremely Wideband 4X8 Switching Matrix 20 à 8000 MHz
