PXA(e)72xx - PXI (e) arbitrary generator 200MSps 16Bit

Main features

  • Output voltages up to +30V or ±15V
  • Up to 200MS/s with 16Bit resolution
  • Fully isolated design with up to two independent channels
  • Complex waveform sequencing
  • Multiple instrument and channel synchronization possibilities
  • High configurable trigger engine
  • On the fly amplitude and offset changing
  • Two additional marker outputs
  • Wide range of sample rates due to programmable internal PLL
  • High bandwidth
  • Based on VX Instruments FlexCPeP for easy custom design
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Flexible Configurable PXI(e) Platform
This family of Arbitrary Function Generators is based on the “Flexible Configurable PXI(e) Platform” (FlexCPeP). This platform allows many variations of customer configured Arbitrary Function Generators.

High speed, high resolution arbitrary waveform generator
The PXA(e)72xx ArbGen family features up to two simultaneously working channels with up to 200MS/s, 16Bit resolution and an output voltage up to +30V or ±15V. Every channel is equipped with up to 16MB memory. The whole amount of up to 8 million samples can be partitioned into one or more waveform segments. Depending on the number of channels and the floating option, the Arbitrary Function Generators are built into a compact 3U PXI(e) device for 1 or 2 slots.

Built-in waveform functions
Predefined waveforms (DC, sine, square, triangle, sawtooth) can be configured via software driver. Furthermore it is possible to load an user created waveform.

Fully independent channels
Each channel has its own clock-PLL, memory and state machine for START, STOP, TRIGGER, SAMPLING and SEQUENCING. This guarantees the two channels to work completely independent. The great amount of trigger capabilities results in multiple sophisticated instrument and channel synchronization possibilities.

Complex waveforms without memory reloading
Arbitrary waveforms can be loaded via data files into the on-board memories for up to 8MS waveform data and 512 sequences. The memory can be segmented and sequenced in any desired order.

Furthermore, amplitude and offset can be changed on the fly without writing new data into the memory.

High output voltages allows easy stimulation
The standard output voltage is ±15V (30Vpp). With an optional extension the output stage can be switched to achieve output voltages up to +30V into high impedance load. This allows high voltage waveform stimulation without additional signal conditioning.

PXA(e)7221 - 1 channel non floating ArbGen in 1 slot

Arbitrary Generator

PXA(e)7222 - 2 channel non floating ArbGen in 1 slot

Arbitrary Generator

PXA(e)7223 - 1 channel floating ArbGen in 1 slot

Arbitrary Generator

PXA(e)7224 - 2 channel floating ArbGen in 2 slots

Arbitrary Generator

PXA(e)72xx PXI (e) arbitrary generator 200MSps 16Bit
PXA(e)7221 1 channel non floating ArbGen in 1 slot
PXA(e)7222 2 channel non floating ArbGen in 1 slot
PXA(e)7223 1 channel floating ArbGen in 1 slot
PXA(e)7224 2 channel floating ArbGen in 2 slots

  • Catalog2019