PX773x - PXI Source and Measurement Unit

Main features

  • Supports current source and sink
  • No external power source required
  • Read back function for output voltage and output current (measurement functions)
  • 6 current ranges, 2 power ranges
  • Very fast rise and fall times
  • 4 included configurable digital TTL I/Os
  • 4 included open drain outputs up to 60 V
  • Sense inputs for superior load regulation
  • Auto sensing to reliably protect DUTs
  • Digitizing or Arbitrary Waveform Generator option for voltage or current
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The PX773x is a high precision, high speed Source and Measurement Unit, which is designed for automated high throughput testing.

Programmable rise and fall times
The fast low-noise linear bipolar power stage provides a full 4 quadrant source and sink capability at very fast rise and fall times, even at high capacitive loads. In addition the rise and fall times are programmable.

Two power ranges
With its optional second power range (±20V / ±0.5A to ±60V / ±0.2A) one PX773x device covers a wide range of different loads.

Auto sensing protects units under test
An auto sensing feature is integrated as a security to protect devices under test.

Configurable digital inputs/outputs
The PX773x has 4 included free configurable digital TTL I/Os and 4 open drain outputs e. g. to drive relays or LEDs.

No external power supply required
The PX773x does not require an external DC source. The output power is drawn from the PXI backplane. All internal voltages are generated with extremely low-noise DC/DC converters.

Waveform digitizing option
The integrated measurement unit provides digitizing features with sample rates up to 100 kS/s and a sample depth of up to 8 kS.

Arbitrary waveform generator option
The PX773x has an integrated waveform memory for up to 8 k waveform datapoints with an output rate up to 50 kS/s.

PX7731 - +/-10V , +/-1A SMU


PX7732 - +/-20V , +/-0.5A SMU


PX7733 - +/-30V , +/-0.4A SMU


PX7734 - +/-40V , +/-0.25A SMU


PX7736 - +/-60V , +/-0.2A SMU


PX773x PXI Source and Measurement Unit
PX7731 +/-10V , +/-1A SMU
PX7732 +/-20V , +/-0.5A SMU
PX7733 +/-30V , +/-0.4A SMU
PX7734 +/-40V , +/-0.25A SMU
PX7736 +/-60V , +/-0.2A SMU

  • Catalog2019