PVX-4150 - 1.5kV Bipolar Pulse Generator

Main features

  • 0 to ±1,500 V Pulse Output
  • <25 ns Rise and Fall Times, 240 kHz Pulse Repetition Frequency
  • Protected Against Arcs, Shorts and Load Transients
  • Voltage and Current Monitor Outputs
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The PVX-4150 high voltage pulse generator is a direct coupled, air cooled, solid state half-bridge (totem pole) design, offering equally fast pulse rise and fall times, low power dissipation, and virtually no over-shoot, undershoot, or ringing. It has overcurrent detection and shutdown circuitry to protect the pulse generator from potential damage due to arcs and shorts in the load or interconnect cable.

All control and protection logic, support power, energy storage, and output network circuitry is incorporated into the PVX-4150. It can be connected directly to the load, and does not require series or shunt resistors, impedance-matching networks between the pulser and the load, or additional energy storage (capacitor banks). All of this is taken care of within the PVX-4150.

PVX-4150 1.5kV Bipolar Pulse Generator

  • PVX-4150_Manual_RevA