LTX-5525 - Digital Fiber Optic Link

Main features

  • 16 independent TTL/CMOS input channels
  • Transmits digital signals from 0 to 50 Mb/S on each of 16 channels
  • Input signals may be TTL, CMOS, or LVTTL
  • Output is LVTTL
  • 850 nm MM or 1310 SM versions available for links up to 10 km
  • Transmits without conducting EMI
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The LTX-5525 “Signal Transporter” Converter pair is designed to transmit 16 independent digital signals to a remote location via fiber optic cable. These products simultaneously samples all 16 input channels at 100 Ms/S, converts them to a serial format, transmits the data over a Multi-Gigabit fiber link and converts the signals back to a parallel format at the receiving end of link.

The primary applications are those situations in which the signals of interest have a high common mode voltage with respect to the measurement equipment. These applications include plasma physics experiments, EMC test chambers, power transmission equipment, and high power laser equipment.

LTX-5525T-850 - 16 Channel Multimode, 2.0 Gb/s Digital Signal Transmitter


LTX-5525R-850 - 16 Channel Multimode, 2.0 Gb/s Digital Signal Receiver


LTX-5525T-1310 - 16 Channel Singlemode, 2.0 Gb/s Digital Signal Transmitter


LTX-5525R-1310 - 16 Channel Singlemode, 2.0 Gb/s Digital Signal Receiver


LTX-5525 Digital Fiber Optic Link
LTX-5525T-850 16 Channel Multimode, 2.0 Gb/s Digital Signal Transmitter
LTX-5525R-850 16 Channel Multimode, 2.0 Gb/s Digital Signal Receiver
LTX-5525T-1310 16 Channel Singlemode, 2.0 Gb/s Digital Signal Transmitter
LTX-5525R-1310 16 Channel Singlemode, 2.0 Gb/s Digital Signal Receiver

  • LTX-552X_Manual_EN