LNFS-400 - One Low noise frequency synthesizer

Main features

  • Frequency range 1 – 400 MHz
  • Frequency Resolution: 0.2 Hz
  • Phase resolution: 0.38 mRadians
  • Low phase noise @ 180 MHz output
    • -130 dBc/Hz @ 1 kHz
    • -140 dBc/Hz @ 100 kHz
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The LNFS-400 is a versatile low noise synthesizer with an output frequency range of 1 to 400 MHz. The instrument has 32 bit frequency resolution, 14 bit phase resolution and a low noise internal time base that can be phase-locked to an external 10 MHz signal for long term stability. Applications include frequency generation for instrumentation, microwave synthesis, phase noise characterization, radar synthesizers and telecommunication clock generators. The LNFS-400 has FSK and PSK modulation capabilities.

The synthesizer is available in a stand alone enclosure or as a module. Model LNFS-400-RM is the stand alone version in a 2U rack-mount enclosure with LCD display and keypad. Remote control of the instrument is available through a RS-232 interface. This unit may be ordered with up to three independent synthesizers locked to the internal time base.

LNFS-400 Opt2 - 2 Synthesizers

Option 2

LNFS-400 Opt3 - 3 Synthesizers

Option 3

LNFS-400 One Low noise frequency synthesizer
LNFS400 Opt2 2 Synthesizers
LNFS400 Opt3 3 Synthesizers
