LNFR-100E - Low noise frequency reference 4 or 8 channels

Main features

  • Frequency reference 10MHz,  4 or 8 outputs
  • Ultra-low phase noise
  • Very low spurious
  • Low environmental sensitivity
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The LNFR-100E is a high performance 10 MHz distributed frequency reference. It contains a 5 MHz SC-cut ovenized oscillator, a low noise frequency doubler and a distribution amplifier module. The 10 MHz signal is distributed by the distribution amplifier to provide four 10 MHz outputs on the back panel. Typical cross-channel isolation is 70 dB and reverse isolation is typically greater than 75 dB.

The distribution module does not degrade the phase noise performance of the oscillator that is typically –142 dBc/Hz @ Fourier frequency of 10 Hz and –168 dBc/Hz @ Fourier frequency greater than 10 kHz. The LNFR-100E outputs are matched to 50 ohms to obtain better than 25 dB return loss. The LNFR-100E can be phase locked via an electrical tuning port or by providing an external 10 MHz reference

The LNFR-100E8 offer 8 10MHz outputs instead of four with the standard version

LNFR100E8 - 8 outputs

Option 8

LNFR-100E Low noise frequency reference 4 or 8 channels
LNFR100E8 8 outputs

  • LNFR-100E8 User Manual