J3U RF/O - Optical Signal Redundancy Plug-in Modules

Main features

  • 1270 nm to 1610 nm
  • -20°C to +50°C Operating Temperature Range
  • 1+1 and N+1 Redandancy Architectures
  • Hot Swappable
  • Module is Controllable and Monitored via SNMP/Web/GUI
  • Occupies one of sixteen module slots in J3U chassis
  • Extended Operating Temperature Range, -20°C to +60°C
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The highly configuable modules support N+1 redundancy. You can protect N Elements (Transmitters and/or Receivers and/or Fibers) by adding only one extra Element using multiple redundancy switching modules. The automatic recovery enables high reliability linkage, for example from a Command bunker to multiple Antennas. Since the switching configuation is complex, special attention must be made to proper design. Optical Zonu offers special engineering support in the design phase of a redundant system.

The J3U platform is a 19” 3RU chassis that accommodates 16 pluggable, hot swappable fiber optic RF signal tansport and redundancy switching modules. Optical (and RF) diversity/redundancy modules make up the basic building blocks of varied system level redundant architectures. The standard optical interface is LC/APC.

Basic building blocks include 1:2 (and 1:4) splitters (DOTS), 2:1 switches (DORW), and 2:2 switches (DODC), and hybrid combinations of these (DOTB, DORB). A DOTS (1:2 splitter) on the transmitter side may be paired with a DORW (2:1 switch) on the receiver side to configue a 1+1 redundant passive fiber optic lin. DOTB (2:2 switch + 1:2 splitter/switch) modules on the transmitter side may be used together with DORB (2:1 switch + 2:2 switch) modules on the receiver side, to configue N+1 redundant architectures. In N+1 architectures, the transmitter and receiver ends of the fiber link ae isolated from each other and act independently in the event of a module failure. Monitors and alarms in the fiber optic tansmitter and receiver modules drive the autonomous switching within the diversity modules. Switches may also be commanded to certain states via the Optical Zonu M&C system. The RF performance of the fiber optic lins is maintained when incorporating the Optical switching.

Optical redundancy modules within the J3U platform may be monitored and controlled via SSH, Web UI, OZC GUI, and SNMP v2 and v3

J3U-RF/O Optical Signal Redundancy Plug-in Modules

  • J3U Chassis Datasheet
  • J3U TxRx Datasheet
  • J3U RF Diversity Datasheet