IQC5000B - High-fidelity dual channel RF Record & Playback System

Main features

  • 255 MHz RF streaming bandwidth on record and playback
  • Low-cost, removable storage options
  • Time-synchronous dual channel recording
  • Fast offload speeds using cabled PCI Express
  • Compatible with Keysight, Rhode & Schwarz and Tektronix Signal Analyzers
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IQC5000B Series is the industry’s smallest high-fidelity dual channel RF Record & Playback System. With up to 255 MHz of record and playback bandwidth per channel, the IQC5000B can meet recording needs from HF to millimeter wavelengths in mission-critical applications.

The IQC5000B has been designed to support operational security with removable memory for a total of 4TB of storage within the IQC5000B-MEM module which can provide up to 50 minutes of record time at full bandwidth. The system’s external datapacks (up to 15 TB) also give users up to 3 hours of capture data at full bandwidth. IQC5000B Record & Playback System is suited for laboratory, production, or field applications.

The X-COM IQC5000B makes it possible for users of digital Spectrum Analyzers to store RF signals for hours or days then playback captured signals with exceptional fidelity.

ICC5000B High-fidelity dual channel RF Record & Playback System
