GFT1620 - 20 channel Pulse & Delay Generator

Main features

  • 20 independent delay channel
  • 100 ps delay resolution
  • 50 ps channel to channel RMS jitter
  • Output pulse 1.5 to 5 V into 50 Ω, with 1 ns risetime and independent control of pulse width, polarity, amplitude, burst and MUX mode
  • Up to 50 MHz trigger rate
  • 6 triggers sources: two External with pre-scaler or three internal timers or one command
  • External clocking up to 240 MHz
  • Controlled via Ethernet or USB
  • Output pulse options: 10 V or 50 V or LVDS level
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The GFT1620 compact Pulse & Delay Generator provides 20 independent delayed pulses. Delays up to 100 seconds can be programmed with 100 ps resolution and channel to channel jitter less than 50 ps RMS.
SMB outputs deliver 1.5 V to 5 V into 50 Ω with 1 ns rise time pulses. Pulse amplitude, polarity, width and burst count are adjustable on each output channel. In option, pulse amplitude can be 3 V to 10 V or 15 V to 50 V into 50 Ω or LVDS level.
The GFT1620 offers triggering by two inputs or three internal synchronized Timers (adjustable from 0.001 Hz to 50 MHz) or software command for each selected delay channel. Any trigger rate may be set as one-shot or repetitive.
The Gate Input allows to quickly inhibit all selected channel Outputs. This input function can be selected as an additional External Trigger.
The generator has an internal 100 MHz TCXO clock reference and accepts an external clock reference from 10 MHz to 240 MHz sine or square wave.
On front panel LED indicators are included to indicate when each input or output are running, and a RUN/STOP button allows to enable/disable all output channels.
The GFT1620 parameters can be remotely controlled via Ethernet (LAN) or via USB to UART. Web page, from embedded Web server, provides easy method to configure settings from your laptop without any software application.

GFT1620 20 channel Pulse & Delay Generator
