GFT1004 - 4/8/10 Channels Delay Generator

Main features

  • 4 independent delay channels
  • 1 ps time resolution
  • < 10 ps jitter for internal triggered delays
  • < 25 ps jitter for external triggered delays
  • Adjustable output pulse up to 10V, 1 ns rise time
  • External or internal trigger sources to every channel
  • Internal or External clocking up to 90 MHz
  • Independent control of delay, width and amplitude
  • Controlled via Ethernet, Web page and front panel
  • Compact packaging 1U, 19”
  • Options:
    • Extension to 8 or 10 channels
    • Output pulse: TTL level or 20 V or 32 V or optical
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The GTF1004 Digital Delay Generator provides four independent delayed pulses on the rear panel and in option eight or ten channels. Delays up to 10 seconds can be programmed with 1ps resolution and channel to channel jitter is less than 10 ps RMS. BNC outputs deliver up to 10V, 1 ns under 50Ω. Pulse amplitude and width are adjustable on each output channel.

One input channel, or two internal synchronized timers is used to trigger all output channels. One T0 channel is used to time reference the all output delayed pulse.

The GFT1004 is a Digital Delay Generator that operates either as a standalone or as a component in a timing system (in option 2). In timing system mode is operated in conjunction with a GFT3001 Master Transmitter that controls and synchronize a number of GFT1004’ over optical fibers.

GFT 1004 parameters can be local controlled over the front panel keys and LCD display and remote controlled via Ethernet (10/100 Mb/s) or Internet (Web page from Internal Web server).

Option 1 - Extension to 8ch, 10 V channel output

Delay Generator

Option 2 - Optical input for timing system mode

Delay Generator

Option 3 - Clock output

Delay Generator

Option 4 - 32V channel output (price per channel)

Delay Generator

Option 5 - Extension to 10ch, 10V channel output

Delay Generator

Option 6 - 5V to 20V channel output (price per channel)

Delay Generator

Option 7 - TTL channel level (price per channel)

Delay Generator

Option 8 - optical channel output (price per channel)

Delay Generator

Option 9 - 100ps resolution (price per channel)

Delay Generator

GFT1004 4/8/10 Channels Delay Generator
GFT1004 Option 1 Extension to 8ch, 10 V channel output
GFT1004 Option 2 Optical input for timing system mode
GFT1004 Option 3 Clock output
GFT1004 Option 4 32V channel output (price per channel)
GFT1004 Option 5 Extension to 10ch, 10V channel output
GFT1004 Option 6 5V to 20V channel output (price per channel)
GFT1004 Option 7 TTL channel level (price per channel)
GFT1004 Option 8 optical channel output (price per channel)
GFT1004 Option 9 100ps resolution (price per channel)
