AVG - eXpert signal averaging for GAGE digitizers

Main features

  • Waveforms may be signal-averaged at a rate of greater than 100,000 waveforms per second
  • Maximum waveform length of 48,000 samples
  • Signal Averaging is performed by GaGe hardware, allowing the host‑PC to handle other tasks in parallel
  • On-board intelligent processing reduces PCI data traffic by a factor of more than 1,000
  • Compatible with CompuScope Software Development Kits (SDKs) for C/C#, LabVIEW and MATLAB
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GaGe’s new on-board signal averaging technology allows users to detect a small repetitive signal in a noisy environment. This powerful new signal averaging capability takes advantage of GaGe’s on-board FPGA technology and allows rapid signal averaging with absolutely no CPU-loading.

Using signal averaging, small signals can be extracted from a background of high amplitude noise, which may even be larger than the actual signal itself.

250-181-001 eXpert signal averaging for GAGE digitizers
