EON Express - 12-Bit,  high speed data acquisition boards

Main features

  • 1 Channel at 6 GS/s or 2 Channels at 3 GS/s
  • 1.75 GHz Analog Input Bandwidth
  • 12-Bits Vertical A/D Resolution
  • 4 GB or 8 GB On board Acquisition Memory
  • Dual Port Memory with Sustained PCIe Data Streaming at 4 GB/s, eXpert FPGA DSP Firmware
  • Windows 8, Windows 7, and Linux Operating Systems Supported
  • Programming-Free Operation with GaGeScope PC Oscilloscope Software
  • Software Development Kits Available for C/C#, LabVIEW and MATLAB
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The high speed data acquisition boards 12-bit CompuScope EON Express provide the highest available Effective Number of Bits (ENOB (SINAD)) performance at high signal frequency that is available on the market.

The CompuScope EON PCI Express bus digitizer features 12-bit vertical resolution, up to 6 GS/s sampling, and high 1.75GHz bandwidth.
The fast sampling rate enables the capture of high-speed signals with ultra-high timing precision. The high resolution allows the capture of signals with very high dynamic range. Now available with up to 8GB of on-board memory.

GaGe eXpert™ advanced on-board FPGA technology, such as Signal Averaging, FFT, DDC is also available. Try our GageScope® Windows-based oscilloscope software for programming-free operation or one of our Software Development Kits for C/C#, LabVIEW or MATLAB for custom development.

ENE-126-G10 - 1 Channels, - 6GS/s Max. Sampling Rate, 2 GHz Bandwidth, 4 GB Memory

EON Express

ENE-123-G20 - 2 Channels, 3 GS/s Max. Sampling Rate per Channel, 2 GHz Bandwidth, 4 GB Memory

EON Express

ENE-FAC-001 - AC-Coupled Front End Option

EON Express

ENE-181-001 - Memory Upgrade: 4 GB to 8 GB

EON Express

EON Express 12-Bit,  high speed data acquisition boards
ENE-123-G10 1 Channels, - 6GS/s Max. Sampling Rate, 2 GHz Bandwidth, 4 GB Memory
ENE-123-G20 2 Channels, 3 GS/s Max. Sampling Rate per Channel, 2 GHz Bandwidth, 4 GB Memory
ENE-FAC-001 AC-Coupled Front End Option
ENE-181-001 Memory Upgrade: 4 GB to 8 GB
