DA-500 - 100-600 MHz Distribution Amplifier

Main features

  • 2 Inputs & 12 outputs
  • 100-600 MHz
  • High isolation output to output: 80 dB
  • High isolation output to input: 85 dB
  • High Input: +13 dBm
  • Low phase noise:
    • -133 dBc/Hz @ 1 Hz
    •  -161 dBc/Hz @ 10 kHz
  • Low distortion:
    • -40 dBc @ 10dBm
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The DA-500 is a general purpose isolation amplifier designed to distribute frequencies from 100 to 600 MHz. This Amplifier offers 80 dB of channel-to-channel isolation and 85 dB of reverse isolation at 500 MHz. The low phase-noise, (-130 dBc/Hz at 1 Hz and -160 dBc/Hz at 10 KHz) ensures that the distributed signals are not degraded.

The outputs have a low VSWR, typically 1.2 (return loss of 20 dB), to minimize environmental effects on frequency distribution through long transmission lines. There are two inputs (SIGNAL A and B) each driving six outputs.The instrument is equipped with power level monitors that compare output power levels to a preset threshold of +7dBm. If the signal on any output drops below this threshold, the monitor LED located on the front panel and corresponding to either SIGNAL A or B, will turn off indicating a fault condition.

The inputs and outputs are chassis grounded. The standard unit has two inputs and twelve outputs. The DA-500 operates on 100 to 240 VAC, and is offered in a stand-alone rack-mount enclosure with dimensions of 1U X 19” X 14”.

DA-500 100-600 MHz Distribution Amplifier
