DA-1G - 1 GHz Distribution Amplifier

Main features

  • Distributes 700 MHz to 1.1 GHz signals
  • 1 Input, 12 Outputs standard configuration
  • High Isolation
  • Low phase noise
  • Very high stability
  • Optional DC voltage operation
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The DA-1G is a general purpose isolation amplifier designed to distribute frequencies from 700 to 1,100 MHz. This Amplifier offers 80 dB of channel-to-channel isolation and 85 dB of reverse isolation at 1 GHz. The low residual phase-noise of the amplifier (-130 dBc/Hz at 1 Hz and -160 dBc/Hz at 10 KHz) ensures that the distributed signals are not degraded. The outputs have a low VSWR, typically 1.2, to minimize environmental effects on frequency distribution through long transmission lines.

The inputs and outputs are chassis grounded. The standard unit has 1 input and 12 outputs. This Amplifier may operate on 100 to 240 VAC, and +12 to +36 VDC when the optional DC operation option is acquired. When the DA-1G is set up to operate with both AC and DC power sources at the same time, the DC power is used as backup power in case of AC power outages.

DA-1G 1 GHz Distribution Amplifier
