CPCI-HPDI32A-COS - Digital I/O with Change-of-State cPCI Board

Main features

  • 20 Mhz Sample rate.
  • Software Selectable COS or Logic Analyzer Operation
  • Software Selectable Clock divider
  • Software Selectable COS or Logic Analyzer Mask.
  • Software Selectable Logic Analyzer Trigger
  • Software Programmable Event Counter.
  • Output data port that can be driven onto the cable on byte wide boundaries.
  • Exist in PCIe, PCI, cPCI/PXI, PC104 and PMC
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The CPCI-HPDI32A-COS board is a 32-Bit parallel digital input board that samples input data (via the cable inter-face) at selectable rates. The board can detect any Change-of-State and store the changed data word data in the on-board FIFO. The board is programmable and can generate an interrupt on the first detected change or upon any desired number of changes.

Deep FIFO buffers (128 Kbytes) allow data bursts to be transferred over the PCI bus independent of transfers over the cable. Change-Of-State boards allow for more efficient monitoring of peripheral or industrial type devices (transducers, etc.). The board can also be used in a (logic analyzer) type mode by storing up to 64,000 samples after receipt of a trigger word. FIFOs, DMA engine, PCI controller, differential receivers, and multiple status interrupts provides high bandwidth along with complete board control.

CPCI-HPDI32A-COS Digital I/O with Change-of-State cPCI Board
