CobraMax Express - PCI Express, 4 GS/s, 8-Bit High speed data acquisition board

Main features

  • 1 or 2 digitizing channels
  • 4 GS/s maximum sampling rate per channel
  • 8 bits vertical resolution
  • 2GS to 32 GS on-board acquisition memory
  • 1.5 GHz bandwidth
  • Full-size, single-slot PCI Express 2.0 x8
  • Full-featured front-end, with software selection of all signal conditioning settings
  • Sustained Streaming to PC at 1.7GS/s
  • Ease of integration with Reference Clock In and Clock Out, External Trigger In and Trigger Event Out
  • Programming-free operation with GageScope® oscilloscope software
  • Software Development Kits available for LabVIEW, MATLAB, C/C# and more
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The high speed data acquisition boards CobraMax are available with 1 or 2 digitizing channels, 4 GS/s sampling on one channel 2GS/S on two channels, and up to 1.5 GHz of input bandwidth. For the complete technical specifications, please refer to the attached datasheet. Not only does it provide up to 4 GS/s sampling, but its dynamic parameters are extremely impressive as well. For example, the CobraMax boards have an ENOB (SINAD) of 7.6 bits and a SNR of 47.2 dB. The CobraMax also provides an extremely low harmonic distortion of roughly -60 dB. These Dynamic Parameter values, measured at a signal frequency of 10 MHz, degrade only slightly to frequencies of over 400 MHz..

In addition, with up to 32 GS of on-board acquisition memory per card, the CobraMax can continuously digitize waveforms at 4 GS/s for eight seconds – a capacity that far exceeds that of any previously available instrument. Alternately, Multiple Record Mode allows the stacking into Cobra memory of many millions of shorter, rapidly acquired waveforms. The PCI Express x8 allow to sustain streaming to PC at up to 1.7GS/s. The CobraMax family is a quantum leap in terms of both digitizer sampling speed and acquisition time, making it ideal for industries such as radar and communications, where continuous ultra high-speed signal acquisition is often required for extended periods of time.

For applications that require several simultaneous digitizing channels, it is possible to interconnect up to 8 CobraMax digitizers in a single chassis and achieve true multi-card synchronization thanks to our advanced internal clock distribution technology. Using short and controlled timing signal propagation paths and automatic timing calibration, this technology provides far superior inter-card time skew and jitter performance, as compared to alternate external multi-module synchronization techniques. For ease of integration, CobraMax digitizers also provide Reference Clock In and Clock Out, External Trigger In and Trigger Event Out.

CXE-024-000 - 2 channels, 8-Bit, 4 GS/s sampling max, 2GS memory


CXE-014-000 - 1 channel, 8-Bit, 4 GS/s sampling max, 2GS memory


CXE-181-012 - Master Multi-Card Upgrade


CXE-181-013 - Slave Multi-Card Upgrade


CXE-181-101 - Memory Upgrade: 2 GS to 4 GS


CXE-181-103 - Memory Upgrade: 2 GS to 8 GS


CXE-181-105 - Memory Upgrade: 2 GS to 16 GS


CXE-181-107 - Memory Upgrade: 2 GS to 32 GS


CobraMax PCI Express, 4 GS/s, 8-Bit High speed data acquisition board
CXE-024-000 2 channels, 8-Bit, 4 GS/s sampling max, 2GS memory
CXE-014-000 1 channel, 8-Bit, 4 GS/s sampling max, 2GS memory
CXE-181-012 Master Multi-Card Upgrade
CXE-181-013 Slave Multi-Card Upgrade
CXE-181-101 Memory Upgrade: 2 GS to 4 GS
CXE-181-103 Memory Upgrade: 2 GS to 8 GS
CXE-181-105 Memory Upgrade: 2 GS to 16 GS
CXE-181-107 Memory Upgrade: 2 GS to 32 GS
