CA7801 - Wideband HF receiver 30MHz

Main features

  • 1.5 MHz – 30 MHz
  • 28.5 MHz Digitized Bandwidth
  • Full Bandwidth I/Q Streaming
  • Time Stamped VITA 49 Output
  • Accepts 10 MHz & 1 PPS Ref Input
  • Customizable DSP Resources
  • Internal Sub-Octave Preselector
  • SCPI Remote Control Interface
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The CA7801 is a full featured wideband HF receiver in a compact form-factor with low power consumption.

True Wideband Stare
The CA7801 has the ability to continuously digitise the entire HF spectrum in real time.

Built in Preselector
Preselection for wideband HF improves immunity to in-band interference

Digital Drop Receivers
Configure multiple digital drop receivers (DDRs) for simultaneous processing of wanted signals.

Customisable DSP Resources
Add software defined functionalist to dedicated customisable digital signals processing resources.

Phase Coherent
Synchronise multiple CA7801 units for Super Resolution DF, MIMO and and advanced signal enhancement techniques.

Precision Time-Stamping
Precision time-stamping with for TDOA (Time Difference of Arrival) Geo-Location.

Advanced Architecture
Robust performance in strong signal environments with integrated sub-octave preselector
Selectable modes: normal mode or high linearity mode, allowing configuration for optimum performance
Direct Digitisation topology for full HF spectrum capture
Extremely stable group delay and absolute delay characteristics – crucial for enduring DF accuracy
Capable of synchronising with multiple units for phase coherent operation

Full Bandwidth Processing
The CA7801 digitises the entire HF band. It is capable of streaming full bandwidth VITA 49 I/Q data of 10 GigE Ethernet in real time. Full remote control functionality is implemented with a simple SCPI command set.

Customisable Digital Signal Processing
On-receiver software defined functionality can include: channellisation, demodulation, and automatic signal detection. For system integrators, the CA7801 has dedicated processing resources enabling upgrades with software defined functionality.

CA7801 Wideband HF receiver 30MHz
