ATX7006, A/D and D/A converter test system - Data Converter Test System

Main features

  • Fully integrated data converter test solution
  • Sample rates from DC to 200/400 MHz
  • Unsurpassed signal quality and accuracy
  • Static, Dynamic and Histogram testing
  • Linearity and Dynamic testing with the same test setup
  • Synchronized clocking from DIO module.
  • Suitable for testing converters from 8 to 24+ bits
  • Flexible and versatile digital IO
  • Extended Analisys software included
  • Easy-user defined test scripting
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The ATX7006A is a fully integrated solution for testing ADCs, DACs and other Analog functions. It combines very high accuracy, low noise and fast sampling with an exceptional ease of use. Traditionally data converters are tested using a whole stack of bench instruments, filters, switch matrices and user made software. Many engineering hours are needed to get reliable results. The ATX7006A is a single instrument for all your data converter testing and test methods.

This means you can concentrate on testing your converters rather than fine-tuning the test set-up. The ATX7006A is capable of testing converters from 4 to 24-bit. Its versatile digital I/O makes interfacing to the DUT easy, even for embedded converters. The Single Reference Architecture improves the stability and reduces calibration effort. The backplane distributed clock ensures coherent measuring.

The ATX7006A is also ideally suited as an add-on upgrade for ATE systems.
