AMP20280035B - 4.5 W Wideband Amplifier Module ,  20 MHz to  2800 MHz

Main features

  • 4.5 W Wideband Amplifier Module
  • 20 to 2800 MHz
  • Output power+35.5dBm typ
  • High efficiency
  • VLF suppression
  • Optical supply indication
  • Reverse polarity protected
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AMP20280035B is a wideband power amplifier with an output power of up to 4.5 W. It is suitable for the frequency range 20 MHz to  2800 MHz. This amplifier features high efficiency combined with high gain. It is operated in A-B mode. The AMP20280035B is suitable as a broadband power amplifier for cellular applications (GSM, UMTS, LTE) and wireless networks.

Due to the high output power the amplifier is suitable for professional applications where signals have to be amplified.
An integrated high-pass filter suppresses unwanted signals in the lower frequency range. The amplifier has an internal reverse polarity protection for the operating voltage. The module has a heat sink for passive cooling.

AMP20280035-T - Laptop Version


AMP20280035B 4.5 W Wideband Amplifier Module ,  20 MHz to  2800 MHz
AMP20280035-T Laptop Version

  • AMP20280035B-T