AIE-4X4LR -  4X4 Channel Air Interface Emulator, 500…9000 MHz

Main features

  • Wideband
  • 2 watts power capability
  • 63.5 dB attenuation range
  • LAN and USB Remote Interface
  • Trigger interface
  • Compact 19”, 1 U device
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The AIE-4X4LR air interface emulator enables real emulation of RF levels for radio communication between mobile devices and wireless networks. It has 4 RF Ports for base stations and 4 ports for DUTs like cellular phones. All signal paths are bidirectional. Every of the 4 DUT ports can be fed with a composite RF signal that is individually composed of a programmable mix of the 4 signals coming from the base station ports.

The variation of levels can be done in a wide dynamic range with internal precision attenuators. The AIE-4X4LR allows to recreate a realistic air interface, whereby the DUTs receives multiple cellular stations simultaneously with varying propagation loss. In particular it allows the simulation of handovers between cellular base stations and cellular phones. The reproducible emulation of air interface scenarios in laboratory environment saves time and cost in product development and verification.

AIE-4X4LR  4X4 Channel Air Interface Emulator, 500…9000 MHz
