ADC_3117 - FMC Dual 16-bit DAC and Twenty 16-bit ADC

Main features

  • Single width FMC VITA 57.1-2008:
    • HPC 400 pins connector
    • Two(2) 3M Shrunk Delta Ribbon (SDR)  connectors
    • 3[W] typical power consumption
  • Twenty(20) channels 16-bit / 14-bit up to 5 Msps  AD
    • Based on latest generation Linear Technology LTC2323-16/14 ADC
    • Selectable differential or single-ended
    • Selectable gain: ±10V, ±5V, ±2V, ±1V
    • DAC for offset compensation (±10V)
  • Two(2) DAC outputs:
  • Based on 16-bit DAC8563T DAC device
    • Output range: ± 0 to 10V
    • Two(2) clock references / trigger I/O
  • On-board calibration reference voltage
  • I2C EEPROM connected to FMC SMBus
  • Temperature monitoring (TMP102)
  • Low noise LDO for on board ADC power supplies
  • Fully differential FPGA back-end interface (LVDS)
  • FPGA Design Kit for Xilinx Virtex-6T and Kintex UltraScale FPGAs
  • Total integration within EPICS ecosystem
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The ADC_3117 is a high-density ADC in FMC HPC (High Pin Count) form factor featuring twenty(20) ADC channels with 16-bit resolution at sampling rates of 2 (16-Bit)/5 (14-Bit) Msps, two(2) DAC outputs and two(2) fully programmable I/O that can be used as clock references or trigger signals.

The ADC inputs can operate in four different modes: Differential mode, single-ended bipolar mode, single-ended bipolar mode with offset and single-ended unipolar mode. The front-end can be fully calibrated in terms of both offset and gain with a dedicated calibration voltage selectable among different variable and fixed voltage sources and DAC outputs.

ADC_3117-A0 - 20 channels ADC 16-bit @ 5 Msps & 2 channel DAC16-bit @ 1 Msps


FDK_3117 - ADC_3117 VHDL Reference Design Kit for Xilinx Virtex-6T and Kintex UltraScale


ADC_3117 FMC Dual 16-bit DAC and Twenty 16-bit ADC
ADC_3117-A0 20 channels ADC 16-bit @ 5 Msps & 2 channel DAC16-bit @ 1 Msps
FDK_3117 ADC_3117 VHDL Reference Design Kit for Xilinx Virtex-6T and Kintex UltraScale
