HS3 - USB Oscilloscope 2-Ch, 12-bit, Generator 1-Ch, 12-bit

Main features

  • 2 Input Channels, 12-bit
  • up to 100 MS/s A/D Converter per Channel
  • 128 kS/channel
  • 1 AWG output channel, 14-bit
  • up to 50MS/s
  • 256 kS
  • USB 2.0 or USB 1.1 format
  • Powerful Standalone Application provided
    • Storage Oscilloscope
    • Spectrum Analyzer
    • Transient Recorder
    • Multimeter
    • Arbitrary Waveform Generator
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The HS3 is a powerful computer controlled measuring instrument that consists of four measuring instruments: a Multimeter, Oscilloscope, Spectrum analyzer and Transient recorder. Also an AWG (Arbitrary Waveform Generator) is available. This new powerful and compact measuring instrument can solve almost every measurement problem. The HS3 features a user selectable 8 bit, 12 bit, 14 bit or 16 bit resolution (14 bit effective, SNR 95 dB), 200 mV – 80 V full scale input range, 128 Ksamples record length per channel and a sampling frequency up to 100 MHz on both channels (100 MHz only in 8 bit resolution).

The integrated AWG operates fully independent from the measuring system of the HS3. It has a 50 MHz sampling clock, 1024 / 128K samples deep waveform memory, 14 bit output resolution and ± 12 Volt output range. The AWG allows you to generate test signals for your measurements in any shape you like. Several standard signal shapes are available and it is possible to regenerate previous measured signals. Connected to the fast USB 2.0, the HS3 doesn’t require an external power supply, therefore the HS3 easily complies to “Plug in and measure”.

The universal software that is delivered with the HS3 turns your PC into a storage oscilloscope, a spectrum analyzer, a voltmeter and a transient recorder. An intelligent auto setup allows the inexperienced user to perform measurements immediately. The software allows you to save instrument settings on disk. Later these setting files can be recalled, reducing the setup time of your instrument to an absolute minimum.

HS3-10 - Oscilloscope 2CH & 1 AWG(10 MHz version) USB

Oscilloscope and generator

HS3-25 - Oscilloscope 2CH & 1 AWG (25 MHz version) USB

Oscilloscope and generator

HS3-50 - Oscilloscope 2CH & 1 AWG (50 MHz version) USB

Oscilloscope and generator

HS3-100 - Oscilloscope 2CH & 1 AWG (100 MHz version) USB

Oscilloscope and generator

HS3 USB Oscilloscope 2-Ch, 12-bit, Generator 1-Ch, 12-bit
HS3-10 Oscilloscope 2CH & 1 AWG(10 MHz version) USB
HS3-25 Oscilloscope 2CH & 1 AWG (25 MHz version) USB
HS3-50 Oscilloscope 2CH & 1 AWG (50 MHz version) USB
HS3-100 Oscilloscope 2CH & 1 AWG (100 MHz version) USB

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